A Private Pilates


about me

About Master Instructor Alexis J.

When my kids were little, I craved me time and I wanted to feel like me in my body again. As a former personal trainer, resistance training was my go-to for getting my energy up, shaping my body and having some personal time. As a mom, resistance training was NOT working for me. Nursing littles, then lifting weights made me feel nauseous. I was craving so many calories from nursing AND weight training; I never felt like I was able to eat enough food. I felt drained after workouts and post training sore muscles made it painful for me to get up and down off the floor to play with my toddlers. Picking my kids up was challenging when my muscles were broken down. And recover time??? When? How? When my littles were constantly needing me during the day AND waking me during my sleep.

In comes my passion for Pilates!

Even when I didn’t feel like moving, there was always a Pilates exercise that helped me begin to move slowly. With small movements comes MOMENTUM! Fifteen minutes into a Pilates session, I was ready for more and I actually enjoyed making it through a 50 minute Pilates workout. Pilates breathing helped me ease nausea from pregnancy and nursing. It helped bring me back to my body. Pilates works the small muscles of the body, making muscle recovery easy! The mindfulness of Pilates helped me receive that me time I needed. Pilates up lifted my mood AND energy, enhancing my playtime and memories with my kids.

As my kids (and myself) are getting older, I still CRAVE my Pilates sessions. I receive all the same benefits of uplift in energy and mood, increase in strength and flexibility. Now I have the excitement of showing up and getting stronger with each session. Pilates is a playground for the body! It leaves me in awe of what exercise I was able to work up to today. After a Pilates session, I am grounded and ready to take on whatever family life throws at me.








Hours of practice

best for your health

Pilates helps mom’s do life BETTER. It is my mission and purpose to help mom’s increase their energy, build strength, enjoy their movement and reconnect with their bodies. I help mom’s do life better! We have one life. Lets show up powerfully!

March 2021Las Vegas
January 15, 2024eLevate

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